We are in shopping centers

We are in shopping centers

We are located at good addresses in the largest shopping centers in the Czech Republic.


Parking always

In a shopping center you always
have a parking spot with us.
Parking is free of charge.

Parking always available

Car reception

The manager will help select a suitable program.
We are here for you; ask us, we will make suggestions.
We will then take the car
into our care.

Car reception

SMS Confirmation of taking over the car

You have a full overview of the order,
while we are working
on your car.

SMS Acknowledgment of receipt

You can go shopping

We are located right at the entrance
to the shopping mall.
We are within your reach.

Můžete jít pohodlně nakupovat

Car ready
to pick-up

The manager will hand over the cleaned car
and show you the result of our work.

SMS Car ready for collection

Pay after work is done

You will pay after all is done and only
if the washing program quality is 100%.
In the end, we will help you to board your shopping ensure free exit from the shopping center garages.